Pravici RnR Integration Instructions
Simplify rewards by integrating with your preferred team collaboration app
Integrate with the Pravici system to send points to members directly through Slack. You can also check your balance and access the Pravici RnR portal straight from Slack using slash commands.
Integrate with the Pravici system to send points to members directly through Teams. You can also check your balance and access the Pravici RnR portal straight from Teams by tagging the RnR app.
Slack RnR App Installation Instructions
Connecting Slack to your Pravici RnR instance
1. Add the RnR app to your Slack workspace
2. Generate an RnR API token
3. Configure the Slack app
4. Enjoy!
Easy install, just click this button!
a) Log in to your RnR instance - you must be an issuer admin.
If you do not have your own RnR instance you can use our live test site - just make sure you login as the issuer
b) Click My Account
c) Click New API Key
d) Enter your API key details. Any name should do and you have the option to add an expiration and limit permissions. You will at least need the proxy permissions as well as Send, Accrue, and Redeem
e) Click create and keep this key in a safe place
From Slack run the /rnr-configure command. You will need to provide your Pravici RnR URL as well as the API key you just generated. For example, you could write:
/rnr-configure MyNewApiKey
Now users in your Slack channel can use all the Pravici RnR Slack commands available! At any time, you can use
/rnr-help to see instructions
Teams RnR App Installation Instructions
Connecting Teams to your Pravici RnR instance
1. Download the Teams app manifest zip file
Download this zip file that contains the manifest file and app icons
2. Add the app to your organization's app store
a) Login to
b) Click "Upload new app" - upload the zip file
c) Go into the app settings - if it doesn't open it already you may have to search for the app - rnr
d) Toggle on the Status icon - it should now say Active
3. Install the app
a) Go to Teams
b) If Teams is already open, you may have to sign out and back in or kill the app and re-open it before the app will be findable
c) Click on Apps in the sidebar
d) Search for RnR and click the app when you find it
e) Install the app. If you click "Install" you will have access to use it organization wide, but nobody else will unless they install it themselves. There is a share link next to the install button to share to other admins who may want to use it. For the first install, we recommend installing personally (install button).
Alternatively, you can install it to individual teams and then all users in that team will be able to use the app within that team
4. Generate an RnR API token
a) Log in to your RnR instance - you must be an issuer admin.
If you do not have your own RnR instance you can use our live test site - just make sure you login as the issuer
b) Click My Account
c) Click New API Key
d) Enter your API key details. Any name should do and you have the option to add an expiration and limit permissions. You will at least need the proxy permissions as well as Send, Accrue, and Redeem
e) Click create and keep this key in a safe place
5. Configure the app
If you installed it personally you should be brought to a direct chat with the RnR bot. Use the configure command to connect to your RnR instance.
You will need to provide your Pravici RnR URL as well as the API key you just generated. For example, you could write:
configure MyNewApiKey
6. Enjoy!
Now you can use all the Pravici RnR Teams commands available